Doa Bapa Kami {A Whole New Level}
by Sarah Eliana
Umat Kristen mana yg gak tau Doa Bapa Kami? Pasti tau donkkk... Gw dari sejak kelas 1 SD udah hafal ama Doa Bapa Kami. Doa ini juga sering kita ucapin... kadang2 malah ada orang baca doa ini udah kayak baca jampi2... sebelum belajar, biar bisa konsentrasi.... sebelum nyetir, biar selamat .. dll dll. Sering diucapkan, tapi jarang kita betul2 mau memahami arti doa ini. I am sure Tuhan Yesus ajarin doa ini karena Dia mau kita memahami what it means to be His follower... what it means to be God's disciples.
Kemaren, waktu baca Matthew 6... (ayat 9 - 13 adalah Doa Bapa Kami), Tuhan ingetin gw that doa ini bukan sekedar ucapan2 indah semata... bukan hafalan apalagi jampi-jampi. God was asking me, "Where are you in this prayer?" *JEDENNGGGG*
*berdoa ... berpikir ... berdoa ... merenung*
Such a deep question! Indeed... where am I in this prayer? Sering sekali waktu gw mengucapkan Doa Bapa Kami, gw gak berpikir relevancy-nya to me... to my life. Tapi, jadi berpikir... seharusnya I put myself in that prayer, like this:
Bapa kami yang di Surga,
Dikuduskanlah NamaMu (in and through my life)
Kita berpikir yach nama Tuhan emang kudus, so.. biarlah NamaMu selalu dikuduskan. Tapi, God is asking us personally "What about you? Have you glorified My Name??"
Waktu kamu ngucapin Doa Bapa Kami sebelum belajar, do you know what it means? It means that in and through your life... in and through your studies, you MUST glorify His Name! Dengan gak nyontek, gak malas - malasan, by being responsible with your time (bukan belajar 15 menit, facebook 30 menit, twitter 30 menit).
When you work, you must be a responsible worker with your time and your tasks. Bukannya sambil kerja sambil FBan, sambil baca koran online atau blog orang, juga bukan sambil ngobrol ama teman kerja. Eventhough all your colleagues do the same, it doesn't mean you can do the same. God is asking you.. are you glorifying MY NAME in your work place? When people see your work ethics, can they see ME in you?
Waktu ngerjain tugas RT, are we complaining? Are we wise with the time He's given us? atau sambil jaga anak sambil megang BB? atau jangan-jangan, pembantu/babysitter yg ngasuh anak, kita ongkang ongkang kaki BB-an? Is HIS NAME glorified in, around, and through our lives?
Datanglah KerajaanMu (within me)
Lukas 17 : 21 says
"The Kingdom of God is within you".
Yes, generally "datanglah KerajaanMu" means may God's Kingdom come and reign on earth. May all the peoples of the world see and know and proclaim that Jesus is God... tapi I think there is a deeper meaning to that. How do the peoples of the world see and know and proclaim Jesus as God? It happens when the followers of Christ proclaim Jesus and His Kingdom in their lives! May His Kingdom reign in our hearts! But HOW?
By learning at the feet of Jesus! Di Markus 12 : 30, Tuhan Yesus bilang
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength"
Tuhan mau kita menjadi radikal for Him. Untuk gak main2 dengan Firman Tuhan... gak melencengkan Firman Tuhan. Gimana Kerajaan Tuhan mau stay in our hearts and lives kalo kita sendiri gak berani serius and radikal dengan FirmanNya?
Di ayat berikutnya, Tuhan Yesus bilang
"Love your neigbour as yourself"
Kalo terjemahan Bahasa Indonesianya "Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti engkau mengasihi dirimu sendiri". Kita HARUS mengasihi sesama kita manusia dengan kasih Kristus. Firman Tuhan gak bilang "kasihi sesama orang Kristen" or "sesama orang Indonesia"... tapi sesamamu manusia. Manusia: besar, kecil, tua, muda, hitam, putih, kuning, merah, Kristen, non-Kristen, orang baik, orang jahat, teroris... LOVE THEM ALL. Gak berarti kalo cinta itu berarti dinikahi yach (hehehe), it means we look at them through God's eyes. We don't seek revenge waktu ada yg berbuat jahat ama kita, instead we forgive them... we pray for them. Ada yg pernah bilang (lupa siapa): the best revenge is kindness. Through kindness, people see God... through kindness they feel love. Through kindness, they see the Kingdom of God that reigns in our hearts and lives.
Jadilah kehendakMu, di atas bumi seperti di Surga (dalam hidupku)
Banyak orang berpikir Tuhan itu kayak vending machine. Kita masukin koin, keluar deh barang yg kita mau. Kita berdoa, terjadi deh apa yg kita mau. No... a Christian's life is deeper than that. Being a Christian means we surrender our lives to the Creator of life. "Di atas bumi seperti di Surga". Dulu gw pikir maksud doa itu adalah supaya kehidupan di atas bumi indah seperti di Surga. Tapi... setelah dipikir2 lagi, that's really not what it means. Lihat ayat sebelumnya "Jadilah kehendakMu". Di Surga, Christ is the King. Dia berbicara, all the angels do whatever He wants. Bahkan di Surga tuh ada angel dengan 6 sayap: 2 sayap cover their faces, 2 sayap cover their feet, and 2 sayap utk terbang. And these angels.. what do they do? They shout "Holy... holy... holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory"!!!
Tuhan mau hidup di bumi ini seperti di Surga, di mana kita live with reverence to Him, di mana kita memuliakan Dia melalui hidup kita, and shout "Holy... holy... holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory".
Satu hal yg selalu bikin gw penasaran adalah waktu Tuhan Yesus di salib. Gw bayangin si angel bernama Michael. Kalo kita baca di Wahyu 12:7-9 di situ diceritakan si Michael dan pasukannya berperang melawan the old dragon (iblis). Kalo disimak baik2, si Michael ini adalah panglima perang bala tentara Surga. WUIH! Keren! Gw sih langsung ngebayangin dia pasti pemberani (lah iyalah), zealous for God, punya pedang yg menyala2 kayak api. Tapi... kebayang gak, when the Lord whom he serves di paku di atas kayu salib yang hina? The Lord whom he adores and praises and worships... diludahin manusia ciptaanNya sendiri? The Lord yg udah Michael lihat in His glory and majesty sitting on His throne... dicambuk dan dimahkotai mahkota duri oleh manusia that He shaped with His own hands? Kebayang gak perasaan si Michael? Pasti dia gemes... pasti dia marah... pasti dia udah siap2 dengan pedangnya yg dengan sekali sabetan pasti mati semua tuh yg di golgota saat itu. Tapi... Tuhan Yesus malah bilang "No, Michael, don't!". Michael si panglima perang yg diciptakan to fight for the Lord and His people, sekarang malah disuruh diam melihat Tuhan dan Rajanya dihina, dicambuk, diludahi, dan disalibkan! For Michael to stand still when there is a battle to be fought itu tuh goes beyond his nature. It's not his nature utk diam aja waktu ada peperangan, but he OBEYED. Michael dan pasukan bala tentara surga OBEYED the LORD JESUS when He told them to be still.. utk diam gak melakukan apa pun supaya He could die on the cross for the same people who crucified Him!
I think, my friends, this is what it means "Terjadilah kehendakmu, di bumi seperti di surga". May we obey God with the same obedience that the angels show. To be RADICAL for Him! To go where He wants us to go. To stay when He wants us to stay. To NEVER compromise His Words and His commands. To love when we just simply can't love anymore. To forgive even when it hurts. To OBEY!
Berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini (so I may share it with those in need)
Kalo dalam bahasa inggrisnya, it says "Give us today our daily bread". Gw dulu selalu berpikir koq bagian ini sounds selfish yach, tapi kemaren Tuhan bukakan sesuatu yang baru... orang2 lain juga berdoa yang sama, and what if God wants to use me to bring bread to others? Maybe inti dari bagian ini bukan "supaya aku punya cukup makan, sandang dan pangan", tapi "supaya aku bisa berbagi kasih dan berkat Tuhan dengan orang lain". Kita, pengikut Kristus, seharusnya menjadi channel kasih, berkat dan karunia Tuhan... dan kita bisa menjadi channel itu dengan berbagi apa yang Tuhan sudah berikan kepada kita. We can support His church, His missionaries. We can support orphans. Kita bisa pergi ke tempat2 kumuh and share food. or we can simply offer hospitality. Waktu gw and Baby Pooh di Singapore, Tepen and Grace took us in, and let us stay at their place. Bawa kami jalan2, makan, dll. They shared God's blessings for them with us, and I am forever grateful. So, indeed... berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini, supaya kami bisa membagikan rejeki itu kepada orang lain juga. Ah... may we have the desire to be God's miracle. Instead of berdoa minta miracles terus2an, why don't we let Him use us utk menjadi miracles for other people? *ya gak... ya gak*
Di Yohanes 6 : 35, Jesus says
"I am the bread of life.
He who comes to me will never go hungry,
and he who believes in me will never be thirsty"
I think, selain 'physical' rejeki/bread, this part of Doa Bapa Kami juga remind us that Jesus is the bread of life, and everyday we must spend time with Him... to commune with Him. When we spend time with Him, we will be satisfied... we will be full with His love... dan we can share it with others who need Him. Isn't that beautiful?
Ampunilah kesalahan kami, seperti kami juga mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami
Hihi kalo yg ini sih gak usah dijelasin lagi. We are to forgive those who have hurt us (dengan sengaja or not).
Engkaulah yang empunya kerajaan, kuasa dan kemuliaan sampai selama - lamanya (may YOUR KINGDOM, POWER, AND GLORY shine in, around, and through me that when people see me, they see You who live in me. May the see YOUR power and glory in and through my life).